Introducing Debut Author N.G. Peltier (Author Interview)

Sometimes I get to do really cool things on my blog and this interview is one of them!!!! 

Yes, I have the honor and privilege to interview debut author N.G. Peltier. Y'all don't know how excited I am that she said yes to this interview. 

Since agreeing to this interview, N.G.'s Sweethand has landed on Oprah's 27 Most Anticipated 2021 Romance Release and was picked up by Hachette UK. I'm sure this excitement has been a whirlwind for N.G. and here at Weekend Reader we love to see romance authors WIN! So let's get into the interview. 


Author Introduction... 

N.G. Peltier is an anime watching, book reading, video-game playing, story writing kinda girl. A devourer of words and books from a young age, she enjoys writing romance and creeping people out with Caribbean folklore stories she grew up hearing. A Trinidadian born and raised, she currently lives in Trinidad with her mountain of ideas and characters battling each other for whose story get told next.

WR: Your debut novel is set in Trinidad, was this an intentional location choice? If yes, can you elaborate?

N.G.: Oh yes very much so. I grew up reading a lot of books set in the US/UK and thought yeah no I don’t want to do this. I wanted to showcase my island, the life my friends and family live.
A look at island life from someone who actually lives here. 
I don’t care how much research someone does, if you don’t live here you won’t get some of the little nuances and you’ll get things that seem unimportant so wrong. For instance I read a book that was partially set here and the author said the MCs could see the beach from the airport. That’s not at all possible. If I saw the beach while driving by our airport I would be concerned that the sea is trying to reclaim the land!

Hearing stories from those of us who live this life, have grown up in the culture and still live here is so important! I also love sharing Trini things with others in hopes that it would make them maybe want to try our food or listen to our music. Just appreciate that while we may seem like a small island in a region you know nothing about we have so much to offer 😊
WR: What was one of the most surprising things you’ve learned as a debut author?

N.G.: That I would actually like making promo graphics! I’ve been dabbling with that even before I decided to self-publish, but I think I’ve really grown to love it even more. I really had fun choosing the quotes and considering the style and colours of templates to make [Sweethand] more relatable to the dialogue or scene being quoted.
Also, I realized that no matter how much you think you’ve been promoting or talking about your book there are lots of people who don’t see your posts or tweets. So I try not to feel bad about doing promo because Twitter moves so fast and everyone isn’t on there all the time.

WR: Do you have any writing quirks or writing rituals?

N.G.: I have different writing playlists for each project. So, once I sit down to work on something I’ll have that playlist going. I choose the songs based on the particular feeling it creates and whether it reminds me of my characters or fits the mood of a scene.  
A lot of my playlists have soca music on it and well…I sometimes get so caught up grooving and dancing to the music that I do that more than writing LOL, but I try to get back on track of course 😉 I’ve also started lighting my candles more. There’s just something about a nice smelling room that relaxes me and gets me in the mindset to get those words down.

**N.G. shared her playlist for Sweethand with me. You can listen to the playlist here. 

WR: What's something about Sweethand that readers might not know?

N.G.: Fun Fact Sweethand was originally supposed to be a YA fantasy romance haha. But, I realized the voice wasn’t working and decided to make it into adult contemporary romance. The character names all remained the same though and maybe someday I will write that YA fantasy.

N.G. is represented by Lauren Abramo of Dystel, Goderich & Bourret LLC

Author Website
TwitterN.G. Peltier

InstagramN.G. Peltier 


Title: Sweethand (Island Bite #1)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: March 30, 2021

Blurb: After a public meltdown over her breakup from her cheating musician boyfriend, Cherisse swore off guys in the music industry, and dating in general for a while, preferring to focus on growing her pastry chef business.

When Cherisse’s younger sister reveals she’s getting married in a few months, Cherisse hopes that will distract her mother enough to quit harassing her about finding a guy, settling down and having kids. But her mother’s matchmaking keeps intensifying.

Cherisse tries to humour her mother, hoping if she feigns interest in the eligible bachelors she keeps tossing her way, she’ll be off the hook, but things don’t quite go as planned. Turns out for the first time in ages, she and Keiran King, the most annoying man ever, are on the island at the same time. Avoiding him is impossible, especially when Keiran’s close friend is the one marrying her sister, and he’s the best man to her maid of honour.

Keiran doesn’t know what to make of Cherisse now. They’ve always butted heads. To him she’s always been a stuck-up brat who seeks attention, even while he secretly harbored a crush on her. Now with Cherisse’s sister marrying one of his good friends he can’t escape her as the wedding activities keep throwing them together.

When things turn heated after a rainy night of bedroom fun, they both have to figure out if they can survive the countdown to wedding day, without this turning into a recipe for disaster.

Preorder Link:

If you can't wait to get your hands on Sweethand enter in this giveaway; three lucky winners will win an e-book of Sweethand see giveaway information below: 

Giveaway Deets
Dates- March 17-26 11:59 pm EST 
Follow N.G. and Weekend Reader on Twitter and Instagram 
To enter Like, Share, and Comment w/your favorite baked good.
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Open to US and International 

*Winners will be announced on social media and will need to provide an email address to claim the e-book.

Happy Reading AND Pre-order this book! 


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