BookNet Fest- I Miss You
On a sunny Saturday in 2017, I drove to the Caribe Royal here in Orlando to attend a conference for bookish content creators. I didn't know anyone and my introverted self was a little bit nervous. For one, I only thought about becoming a bookish content creator maybe 2 weeks prior. I'd recently graduated and wasn't used to having so much time on my hands. One evening I was scrolling through YouTube when I discovered and went down a literal rabbit hole of Booktube. I thought to myself I like books and why not start a blog. Side note my original handle was The Eclectic Reader, girl I don't know what I was thinking. Anywho I aye, I walked into the hotel, found the room, and listened. My first thought was wow I could really put the time and energy into doing this blog thing. And so it began the Weekend Reader was born!
What is BookNet Fest? It's an event that promotes a lifelong love of reading, connect readers from diverse backgrounds, and uplifts marginalized voices in reading communities through on- and offline events.
My type of event! This year because of the global pandemic the event has shifted online. And for those of us who really look forward to seeing each other every year, this is sad. I've met so many cool people at the event and while we won't hangout I still want to participate in the festivities. I'm cheating a bit and using the Instagram photo challenge as a blog post since I won't have photos from the event. So sue me (please don't).
If you want to learn more about this year's event click here for the Announcement video
Here's my list-
A book I changed my mind on
Listen, I have a complicated history with Jasmine Guillory. I enjoyed the first 2 books but something happened during The Wedding Party that just made me reconsider this series. I know people love her writing but this book in particular I felt I was reading The Wedding Date and The Proposal just with a different couple. If you liked it, great but I really had buyer's remorse. I said, what I said!
A book I wish more people should read
This book was my favorite read of 2019. I literally was on vacation and every chance I could steal away to read Rage Becomes Her I would. Not only did it validate my feelings, it helped me put into context a lot of experiences I was and still having.
A book with beautiful writing
I'm only half way through How We Show Up, but what I've read so far is just down right beautiful. The focus on the restorative power of friendship really is written with a level of care and concern that is just amazing.
Own voices
Sometimes a book of essays really misses the mark for me. I often feel like the essays are disjointed and does not tell one cohesive story. However, in This Will be My Undoing I saw myself in each essay. Jerkins was able to write an honest and heartbreaking book of how it can be difficult to exist in a Black woman's body. Oh, I should warn you, you have to be in the right head space to read this book.
Excellent romance
I struggled with this choice because I wanted to pick more than one book, but I'm already bending the rules so here's my romance pick 😏. Office Hours by Katrina Jackson is not only beautifully written, the relationship between Alejandro and Deja is what I consider a well-rounded healthy relationship. Jackson really captures how a partner can be compassionate and attentive with one another while having a bomb ass sex life. Heck yeah!
If you haven't read any of these recommendations I strongly encourage you to pick them up, even the Wedding Party 😕
Happy reading!
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