2020 Gift, Read, or Unhaul

Yes, the Gift, Read, Unhaul challenge is returning this year. I had so much fun with this personal challenge even though I sucked at finishing my TBR list. 👀 Anywho, I thought why not bring it back. 

So how does it work:
  1. G.R.U. challenge will run from  August 1- December 3, 2020.
  2. I've created a 10 book TBR specifically for this time period. If you've followed me for awhile, you know I suck at TBRs. **The time frame and amount of books changed from last year, because last year I was being an over achiever. I learned though, I need the flexibility to read other books that aren't a part of the challenge. 
  3. By the end of the challenge time period, I have to do one of the following: 
Read: this category is self explanatory (read the frigging book), 

Gift: if I don't read a book on the list, I have to find it a new home, or 

Unhaul: if I don't read a book on the list, I have to unhaul it a book donation program.
 **If by the end of the challenge there's a book I really want to read but didn't get to it, I'm allowed one book save. All other books will have to fit into one of the above categories in order to hold myself accountable.

Last year's BOOK SAVE was Oh.My.Gods and I'm embarrassed to say your girl still hasn't read the book so it's going to make the list again this year.

Here are the categories...

Hyped Read (I will be the judge if it’s worth the hype)

Golden oldie (owned for more than a year)

2020 New Releases 

I will be posting my progress as usual on my social media accounts Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
Do you have any early predictions, which books will end up in the Gift or Unhaul stack? I think there's going to be at least 1 for each category. But we shall see!!!!

Also, as a thank you for my making my 200 follower milestone on the blog I will be doing a giveaway. I will be giving away one ebook version from this list. The winner will be announced on Thursday, October 22, 2020's blog (and I will run cross post on my social media). How to enter: Like and comment under any GRU posts from now until October 20, 2020. You also must follow me on any 2 social media platforms (blog, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram). 

I'm excited for this year. 

Happy reading!


  1. Saints and Misfits was good! RWRB didn't live up to the hype for me, but that could just be me. Sadie on audio is AMAZING.

    1. You know your the 2nd person to say that about RWRB, so I'm thinking it might end up in the Unhaul/Gift pile tbh. I'm definitely going to read Sadie on audio.
      ***I'm entering you in the giveaway :)


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