Let's talk, a starter kit!


It seems yet again we are talking about the d word and I don't mean 🍆. I mean the word that get's people in a tizzy D.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y. 

Yep, I said and probably will lose followers because for some strange reason the concept of diversity makes some people upset or uncomfortable. Why do we have to talk about it? I often hear. Well, clearly somebody didn't get it right.

What is diversity? It's pretty simple it's a range of different things. So what's the big deal? I don't think it's about diversity in itself, but there's a little pesky portion that's core to diversity, what people are mad about is the action to include or being included within a group or structure. Welp, I get it. If you've always had a seat at the table you think that including more people it means you can no longer sit at the table. Or worse, what's important to YOU won't dominate the conversations that occur at the table. If this you Karen, you missed the point. Diversity is about making room for more people, so if people aren't fitting you just get a bigger table so everyone sit. Duh!

If the concepts still bothers you and you need some reading material to help you understand why diversity is so important not for people of color but for humanity, let me help you. This radical idea of reading diversely isn't new, but it's still a hard pill to swallow. So here we go! 

I'm Not Your Negro- James Baldwin

Minor Feelings- Cathy Park Hong

How to Be an Antiracist by Kendi, Ibram X., 9780525509288
How to be an Antiracist- Ibram X. Kendi

What's Your Pronoun- Dennis Baron 

The Battle For Paradise: Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists

Even in my list there are gaping holes. I need to expand my library and my understanding. With that being said, I get it, it can be terrifying to move outside of your comfort zone. But, let's be honest your comfort may mean the difference of someone being seen or safe and I'm sorry that should make you question your motives.

If you have a chance drop some recommendations on my list. 

Happy Reading!



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