2020 Mid-year Update

I can't even believe it that we've made it halfway through 2020. I don't know about you, but I'm thankful I'm still standing. Lol!

Last post, I wrote about how much I struggled to read for almost 3 months which got me to thinking...how am I doing with my 2020 goals. Well, let's take a trip down memory lane when I was hopeful about 2020. Let's recap 2020 Goals: 

Tabitha Brown Gifts & Merchandise | Redbubble

Goal 1- Read a minimum of 52 books.  
Currently, I've surpassed this goal. I mean let's be honest, since I started book blogging, 52 is always my goal. Piece of cake, but if my memory serves me right (goes to check my Goodreads challenge) 2019 I read 99 books. I think my wild and crazy self will see if I can beat that goal and read 100 books. We'll see what happens.

With that being said the first half of the year was rough but I still was able read three 2020 favorites. What these books have in common, is a strong Black professional female character. They all are navigating the complexities of life they were able to find love with unlikely characters. 

Office Hours by Katrina Jackson
The Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon
The Worst Best Man by Mia Sosa

Goal 2- Decrease book spending by half. I spent a whopping $2,510 in 2019.

January 2019          $219.14                                            January 2020 $137.29
February 2019        $208.86                                            February 2020 $113.70
March 2019            $102.97                                            March  2020 $0

***After March I stopped tracking my spending because you know that little thing called a global pandemic. Instead of taking a blanket stance of reduce my spending, I'm being more conscientious of where I spend my money. I am supporting more indie bookstores and Black owned bookstores. This decision means that my spending will go up but I'm okay with that. Why, because that's my business. 

Here are few recommendations: 
            Black Pearl Bookstore: https://blackpearlbookstore.com/
            Loyality Bookstorehttps://www.loyaltybookstores.com/
            Writer's Block Bookstorehttps://www.writersblockbookstore.com/

Goal 3- Donate a box of bookish items to the Giveabox program. I haven't donated to this program again due to the pandemic. While I want to weigh the benefits of donating books/bookish items, we are still in a situation that essential items should be prioritized. My hope is that if I'm not able to donate to this program, I can find somewhere local to donate my books.

 As you can see most things have changed and to be honest, I'm okay with that. If I was more rigid with my goals I'm sure I would disappointed. But, if I haven't learned anything else from this pandemic is nothing is guaranteed and I have to be nimble enough to change when necessary. 

Collectively, everyone is just doing there best. If you aren't reading, that's okay. If you are buying books, that's okay. If you are reading for escapism, that's okay. I really want to put it out there to be gentle with yourself. I really appreciate this reading community and I'm grateful that I have found my bookish corner. While the rest of the world is grim, my go to activity is to read. So when that's impacted I know it's time to get centered.

I hope you are finding your way and doing what you enjoy. Hopefully, you can still find solace in reading!

Happy reading!


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