Audiobook aThon

Image credit: Stockphotos

What is Audiobookathon?  It's a two week long "readathon" created by @BkishPorcupine where readers listen to audiobooks! Guess who's a fan of these readathon!!!

One of my 2020 commitment was to read on my commute- to and from work. Honestly, sometimes I stay in the car to finish a section, especially if the plot is getting thick. Yes, this decision is usually why I'm late to work. Much like a physical book, I find myself saying one more chapter with audiobooks. The other great thing about leaning into listening to audiobooks, this format allows me to get more reading done. I can listen to a book a little faster than I can read so as long as the plot keeps my interest. While I can consume an audiobook a tadbit faster, you can still find me reading a 300+ novel in one sitting.

Enough about why I read/listen to audibooks more about the readatohon. My first recommendation is to check out the hosts announcement videos (listed below).

Another recommendation is if you are on Twitter I think it might be helpful to follow the @audiobookathon account. Any readaothon with a Twitter handle means you can check updates and connect with other readers who are participating along with you.

The readathon will take place from March 8-21, 2020.  Now here's how I plan to participate
1. I will be using the #audiobookathon to share my progress.
2. If you know me, then you know I avoid making TBRs. So, instead I made a tracker check off prompts I've completed. I plan to insert the book cover once I've completed the audiobook. I will share the trackers on Twitter and IG stories.

**Feel free to use the tracker and tag me so I can see your progress.

3. Find a way to re or reread an Alyssa Cole book (lol).

4. Have fun!!!!

I really hope you participate in this reading challenge! And, I can't wait to see everyone's progress.

Happy Reading!


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